Thursday, February 8, 2018

Weekly Update - February 9

Happy Friday!  Here is what the Ninjas have been up to this week...

Rational Numbers
This week in our rational numbers unit, mathematicians focused on...

  • adding mixed numbers
  • subtracting mixed numbers
  • solve word problems involving fractions
Please remember to keep practicing math facts!  Also, Online Practice Buddies are assigned as optional homework!

This week mathematicians focused on measuring and creating angles using a protractor.  Many students borrowed protractors.  Please have them return them when they are finished!

Week 5 Assignment is now available in Google Classroom.  This upcoming week, you will help your child use addition and subtraction to solve problems with unknown angle measures.

Social Studies
We wrapped up our Westward Expansion unit by reviewing concepts taught and assessing our understanding.  You should see their reflection come home this weekend.

The Ninjas are currently in their Weather and Water unit with Ms. Hof.

This week readers worked to tackle complex texts by chunking and paraphrasing.  Students also worked to determine the main idea of a text.

Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

Writers are currently wrapping up their American Revolution history books by revising for introductions, chapter leads, and topic sentences.

Wonder Note

The fourth grade team will be showing the movie Wonder to our students on Valentines Day.  Most fourth graders have read this inspiring book about acceptance independently or as a read aloud.  This movie is rated PG, so if you would prefer that your child NOT watch this movie, please let me know.

Upcoming Dates

  • 2/14: Library Checkout
  • 2/14: Valentine Parties; 2:40-3:40
  • 2/16: No School; Records Day
  • 2/19: No School
  • 2/23: Abilities Awareness Day
  • 3/13 & 3/15: Student Led Conferences

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