Thursday, December 21, 2017

Thank You & Update

Thank you all enough for the extremely generous gifts.  My husband and I will very much enjoy treating ourselves over the holidays to coffee, dinner, and shopping!  I feel so grateful that I get to work with kind, caring, and supportive families here at Barretts.  I hope everyone has a relaxing and joyful holiday season with family and friends, and I look forward to seeing everyone after break!

Take care, Happy Holidays, and stay warm.

Best wishes,
Carrie Nagy

Students assessed their learning this week, and we will be beginning our Rational Numbers unit when we get back from break.  Remember to continue to practice basic math facts to stay sharp!

Social Studies
Students assessed their learning this week, and we will be beginning our Westward Expansion unit when we get back from break.

Please remember to keep up with your daily 30 minute reading homework over break!  When we get back, we are going to jump into our next nonfiction unit where we will learn about and research the Revolutionary War!  If you are interested in donating Revolutionary War books to the classroom library, please see our Classroom Wishlist.

Coming back from break we will begin our expository writing unit!  Students will write books about the Revolutionary War events!

Upcoming Dates
  • 1/4: Students return!!!
  • 1/8: Library Checkout
  • 1/10: Late Start; 11:05 start
  • 1/15: No School

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