Thursday, December 21, 2017

Thank You & Update

Thank you all enough for the extremely generous gifts.  My husband and I will very much enjoy treating ourselves over the holidays to coffee, dinner, and shopping!  I feel so grateful that I get to work with kind, caring, and supportive families here at Barretts.  I hope everyone has a relaxing and joyful holiday season with family and friends, and I look forward to seeing everyone after break!

Take care, Happy Holidays, and stay warm.

Best wishes,
Carrie Nagy

Students assessed their learning this week, and we will be beginning our Rational Numbers unit when we get back from break.  Remember to continue to practice basic math facts to stay sharp!

Social Studies
Students assessed their learning this week, and we will be beginning our Westward Expansion unit when we get back from break.

Please remember to keep up with your daily 30 minute reading homework over break!  When we get back, we are going to jump into our next nonfiction unit where we will learn about and research the Revolutionary War!  If you are interested in donating Revolutionary War books to the classroom library, please see our Classroom Wishlist.

Coming back from break we will begin our expository writing unit!  Students will write books about the Revolutionary War events!

Upcoming Dates
  • 1/4: Students return!!!
  • 1/8: Library Checkout
  • 1/10: Late Start; 11:05 start
  • 1/15: No School

Friday, December 15, 2017

December 15 Weekly Update

Good morning and happy Friday!  Here is what we've been up to this week...

In our Multiplication and Division unit this week mathematicians learned about...

  • how to find factors of a number by using multiplication
  • classifying numbers as prime or composite
  • finding multiples of a number
  • reviewing for their assessment
Please remember that students should be practicing their math facts nightly until mastery.  Online Practice Buddies are also assigned as optional homework and are a great way to review concepts for our upcoming assessment.

The Ninjas wrapped up their Structures of Life unit with Mrs. Waters by assessing their learning!

Social Studies
This week the Ninjas wrapped up our Early Settlement unit by reviewing the Lewis and Clark Expedition and the Louisiana Purchase.

  • Students were assigned two assignments that were to be completed before break.  Students has ample class time to complete these assignments.  If they are not yet completed, please allow your child to complete these at home.  They can be found in our Social Studies Google Classroom.
    • Lewis and Clark Webquest
    • Louisiana Purchase

In preparation of our next nonfiction reading unit, we have been building our background of the Revolutionary War.  If you have time, please discuss this with your children and continue their learning about the Revolutionary War at home!

Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our Poetry unit writers learned to...

  • include personification in their poems
  • write haiku poems
  • write limerick poems

Upcoming Dates

  • 12/18: Social Studies Assessment
  • 12/19: Math Assessment
  • 12/19: Genius Hour Presentations Due
  • 12/20: Whole School Holiday Spirit Wear Day
  • 12/21: Whole School PJ Day; half day for students (1:05 dismissal)
    • Winter Parties @ 11:45 -- 4th grade will have a storyteller, so please allow your child to bring a blanket with their PJs
  • 12/22-1/3: Winter Break

Friday, December 8, 2017

December 8 Weekly Update

Happy Friday!  Check out what we've been up to this week...

This week in our Multiplication and Division unit we focused on solving comparison word problems and multi-step word problems involving all operations!  This is a skill we will continue to focus on throughout the school year.  

Please make sure that your child is practicing their math facts nightly!  Online Practice Buddies are also assigned and are a great way for your child to practice math concepts at home!

The Ninjas are wrapping up their Structures of Life unit next week with Mrs. Waters.  They will be assessing their learning on December 14.

Social Studies
This week we focused on the Lewis and Clark Expedition (Corps of Discovery).  They took a virtual field trip along the trail!  We will be assessing our learning over our Early Settlement unit the week of December 18.

In our Views, Values, and Cultures of Others unit this week  we continued to focus on identifying points of view in a text and comparing perspectives.  Our next reading unit after break will include learning about the American Revolution!  We will start to compare perspectives of the Loyalists vs. the Patriots starting next week to build background knowledge.

Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

This week in our unit of poetry, writers selected themes for their personal anthologies.  We also focused on adding similes and metaphors into our poems.

Upcoming Dates
  • 12/12 & 12/15: Genius Hour time
  • 12/13: Library Checkout
  • 12/14: Mrs. Nagy out in the PM
  • 12/14: Science Assessment
  • 12/19: Multiplication and Division Assessment
  • Week of 12/18: Social Studies Assessment
  • 12/21: Half Day for students; 1:05 dismissal
    • Winter Parties at 11:45
  • 12/22-1/3: Winter Break

Friday, December 1, 2017

December 1 Weekly Update

Good morning!  I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving break that was full of good food, warmth, and family.  Here's a look at what we've been up to this week...

In our Multiplication and Division unit this week, mathematicians working to...

  • develop strategies to divide fluently
  • solve comparison word problems involving multiplication or addition
Please remember to practice your math facts nightly!  Online Practice Buddies are also assigned as optional homework!

The Ninjas are currently in their Structures of Life unit with Mrs. Waters.

Social Studies
In our Early Settlement unit, the Ninjas have been learning more about the Louisiana Purchase and the Corps of Discovery Expedition (Lewis and Clark).

We are currently in our Views, Values, and Cultures of Others unit in reading.  This week we focused on identifying multiple points of view on the same event by reading a variety of texts including picture books and articles.

Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

We started our Poetry unit!  This week the Ninjas worked to identify common themes within poetry to decide on a theme for our class anthology.  We read through different poems to search for characteristics and wrote poems about animals for our class' thematic anthology!

Genius Hour
We kicked off Genius Hour this week!  It has been a lot of fun seeing our students' passions and project ideas.  Genius Hour will be every Tuesday and Friday until break, so students will need to come prepared with any materials they may need.  Also, you are welcome to check our Genius Hour tab to see our project logs!

Upcoming Dates

  • 12/6: Late Start; 11:05 start
  • 12/13: Library Checkout
  • 12/14: Science Assessment
  • 12/14: Mrs. Nagy out in the PM
  • 12/19: Multiplication and Division Assessment
  • 12/20: Social Studies Assessment
  • 12/21: Half day for students; dismissal @ 1:05
    • Winter Parties @ 11:45
  • 12/22-1/3: Winter Break