In our Multiplication and Division unit this week, mathematicians focused on developing division strategies. We did this by...
- using mental math to find quotients
- estimating quotients
- interpreting remainders
Please remember to practice math facts nightly. In addition, Practice Buddies are assigned daily. Students are welcome to complete these as optional homework.
The Ninjas are continuing their Structures of Life unit with Mrs. Waters.
Social Studies
In our Early Settlement unit, students worked to complete and present information relating to the Late Missouri Tribes. We also read and discussed the arrival of Europeans in the Missouri area. On Friday, we also had a speaker come to teach us more about Sacajawea!
In our Views, Values, and Cultures of Others unit, readers worked to...
- consider multiple points of view for the same event
- recognize their own cultural lens and how that impacts their point of view
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!
We wrapped up our Personal Essay unit! Writers ended our unit by...
- revising their writing pieces using a learning progression
- editing their writing pieces for run on sentences, capitalization, and puntuation
We will begin our Poetry unit when we get back from Thanksgiving Break!
Upcoming Dates
- 11/22-11/24: Thanksgiving Break
- 12/6: Late Start; 11:05 start
- 12/14: Mrs. Nagy out in the PM
- 12/21: Half day for students; dismissal @ 1:05
- 12/22-1/3: Winter Break
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