Friday, October 20, 2017

October 20 Weekly Update

What a fun week!  The students had a blast on Missouri Day.  A big THANK YOU to all of the parent volunteers who made this possible.  Here's what else we've been up to in our classroom...

We are nearing the midpoint of our Multiplication and Division unit.  As I stated last week, we plan to take our mid-point assessment on Tuesday of next week.  Students will be bringing home review pages (pgs. 161-166 & pgs. 239-242).  Completing these pages are not required, but they are a great tool to use to review for the assessment.  This week we...
  • used partial products and the distributive property to continue to develop our multiplication stategies
  • practiced word problems involving multiplication
Please remember to practice math facts nightly and use the Practice Buddies or review pages to prepare for our assessment on Tuesday!

The Ninjas are completing their Motion and Design unit with Mrs. Wood this week.  Starting on Tuesday of next week, they will be beginning their Structures of Life unit with Mrs. Waters.

Social Studies
Wednesday was a blast with Missouri Day!  We prepped ourselves by learning why we celebrate Missouri Day and learning a little bit about Daniel Boone!  In our Government unit, students displayed their learner through posters comparing the three different levels of government.

In our nonfiction unit, Reading the Weather, Reading the World, students continued to develop strategies for tackling nonfiction texts.  We...
  • learned how to tackle tricky vocabulary in our books
  • identified the main ideas of our books by noticing how a text is structured
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

We are well into our opinion writing unit!  Students worked to develop ideas for personal essays this week by...
  • reading past writing entries to find new thoughts and ideas
  • planned out essays using a boxes and bullets structure

Upcoming Dates
  • 10/23: Whole School Photo; wear class t-shirts
  • 10/24: Multiplication Mid-Point Assessment
    • review pages coming home
  • 10/31: Halloween Parade & Parties
    • Parade at 2:20
    • Parties 2:40-3:40
  • 11/2: Author Visit
  • 11/3: JA in a Day
  • 11/6: No School; Records Day

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