Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Welcome Back!

Welcome fourth grade students and families!  I am excited to be working with you this year.  For some of us this will be our second time learning together.  So neat!  I cannot wait to see you all and hear about all of the exciting things everyone has been up to over summer break.  My husband, Jim, and I have been pretty busy this summer.

At the Botanical Gardens for our 3
year anniversary.  We also had our
niece as a special visitor!
Jim and I have stayed super busy focusing on our own education.  Parkway is so awesome and offers an abundance of professional development and learning opportunities for their teachers over the summer.  In June my main focus was on reading and writing and studying workshops and best practices such as performance assessments, heart mapping, and studying our new units.  I was invited to help write our new reading and writing curriculum!  In July I attended Parkway's Math Institute, focusing on supporting all mathematicians in the classroom.

Aside from education Parkway offers, Jim and I also spent a lot of time working on our Masters.  Jim is working towards his Masters in Educational Administration where I decided to pursue a Masters in Special Reading K-12.

Our summer wasn't all work.  We also got to spend a lot of time with our niece, Brylee, and our nephew, Ronnie!   In late June, we celebrated our third wedding anniversary by going to the Botanical Gardens.  We enjoyed time on the lake, visiting with family, and visiting with friends.  I can't wait to hear about everyone's fun summer adventures!

Important Dates
  • August 14: Sneek-a-Peek @ 4:30
  • August 16: First Day of School!
  • August 31: 4th Grade Curriculum Night
  • September 4: Labor Day, No School

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