This week we wrapped up our Ration Numbers unit. We spent time reviewing major concepts, and students looked at their data in order to make responsible choices for their math workshop time. We assessed our learning, and we will be beginning our Patterns and Measurement unit coming back from break.
Please remember to practice math facts nightly!
This week ends our flipped geometry lessons. Thank you so much for your support and helping your child. We will be reviewing geometry concepts after break and leading up to the MAP test.
The Ninjas are loving the Electricity unit! This week we investigated how to make a light bulb light with just one wire, one battery, and one light bulb. Not only are they practicing and learning electricity concepts, but they are also learning how to cooperate and problem solve with others.
It was all about theme this week in our Historical Fiction unit. We focused on how we can find big ideas within small details (ex. the Star of David impression in Annemarie's hand in Number the Stars). We also talked about how to deepen our ideas about theme and characters.
Please remember to continue to read 30 minutes nightly, even over break!
The Ninjas worked to test their claims for their literary essays this week. Many students have claims about their books, and they began to find, cite, and collect evidence from their books in order to develop reasons to support their claims. When we come back from break, we will be reviewing the essay structure and begin to draft essays.
Upcoming Dates
- 3/26-3/30: Spring Break
- 4/3: Spring Pictures
- 4/4: Late start; 11:05 start
- 4/10: Mrs. Nagy out
- 4/27: No School
- 5/4: Fishing Day
- Volunteers are needed! Please consider signing up here!