Friday, September 29, 2017

Field Day

Thank you to our parent volunteers who made this day possible.  The Ninjas had a lot of fun!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Weekly Update - September 28

We had a very full week of learning and Field Day on Friday!  Check out what we've been up to this week...

This week in math we focused on...
  • multiplying 3 and 4 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers using a variety of strategies such as:
    • array/area model
    • expanded algorithm
    • traditional/standard algorithm
  • solving multi-step word problems
The foundation of success in this unit is mastering basic multiplication facts!  Students should be practicing these nightly until mastered.  If you are in need of cards, please let me know.  Students are also assigned Online Practice Buddies almost daily.  Although optional, they are great ways to practice the concepts being taught!

The Ninjas are currently in their Motion and Design unit with Mrs. Wood!

Social Studies
This week students focused on...
  • how our MO government is structured compared to the federal government.

In our Interpreting Characters unit we focused on...
  • discussing how our characters are complex with multiple character traits and motivations.
Next week we will be starting our first nonfiction unit of the school year!

Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

Writers worked on editing and publishing writing pieces!  Our pieces went home Wednesday after our Author's Celebration!

Upcoming Dates

Monday, September 25, 2017

Friday, September 22, 2017

Weekly Update - 9/22

Happy Friday!  The Ninjas have stayed very busy this week with their new learning.

We started a new unit of study this week, Multiplication and Division!  We are off to a great start by...

  • multiplying by multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000
    • (i.e. 5 x 3 = 15, so 5 x 30 = 150, and 5 x 300 = 1,500)
  • estimating product by rounding
    • (i.e. 834 x 5 rounds to 800 x 5 = 4,000)
  • multiplying with the Distributive Property
    • 4 x 351 = (4 x 300) + (4 x 50) + (4 x 1)
Please remember to have students practice math facts nightly!  Math facts are the foundation to success in this unit!  You can do this with flash cards, Xtra Math or triangle cards at home.  If you need triangle cards, please send me an email.

Students are also assigned Online Practice Buddies.  Although optional, these are highly encouraged as they are a great way for students to practice the concepts being taught at home!

The Ninjas have continues their work and investigations with Mrs. Wood in  their Motion and Design unit of study.

Social Studies
This week in our Government unit we focused on...

  • comparing and contrasting the structures of the federal and state governments

In our Interpreting Characters unit readers focused on developing defensible ideas about characters by...

  •  finding evidence in the text to support their ideas
  • noticed how characters interact with one another and how characters affect one another
  • noticing how characters are complex
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

In our writing unit this week writers focused on...

  • revising with the setting in mind
  • revising for powerful endings
  • editing pieces for mechanics and grammar

Upcoming Dates

  • 9/29 - Field Day!
  • 9/29 - Flexible Seating Fundraiser at Kendra Scott and Evereve.
  • 10/4 - Late Start, Building opens at 10:50am.
  • 10/9 - No School
  • 10/10 & 10/11 - Parent Teacher Conferences (Nagy)
  • 10/10 - 10/12 - Scholastic Book Fair
  • 10/18 - Missouri Day!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Bobcat Dash

Our Ninjas rocked the Bobcat Dash! Thank you to all of our parent volunteers!

Saturday, September 16, 2017


The Ninjas investigating the focus question, "How does force affect the distance a standard vehicle will travel?"