Friday, August 25, 2017

Weekly Update - August 25

Hello, Ninja families!  We had a successful first full week of school.  Check out what we've been up to...

Class Mission

Nagy’s Ninjas are friendly and supportive team members who promise to stand up for others. We synergize together to keep each other safe and achieve our common goals by supporting each other, encouraging each other, and helping each other become confident. We show respect and we train hard so we can be responsible for our skills and learning, and we are here to have fun everyday!

This week in math we kicked off our first unit: Addition, Subtraction, and Place Value.  The family letter for the unit can be found on our math tab or by clicking here.  In our math unit this week we...

  • learned our math workshop routines and procedures.
  • wrote numbers using expanded form and number names.
  • discussed numeral values and relationships between digits in the same number
    • i.e. the first 5 is ten times larger than the second 5 in 6,552
  • compared whole numbers using <, >, or =.
Please remember to have your child practice their math facts nightly!  In addition, students are assigned Online Practice Buddies daily.  These may be completed as optional homework.

We kicked off our first writing unit of study this week!  We will focus on developing realistic fictional stories.  The family letter was sent home earlier this week.  This week we...

  • pre-assessed our writing by completing a cold write.
  • collected ideas for writing fictional stories in our notebooks.

Our fist reading unit focuses on studying characters and theme. The family letter was sent home earlier this week.  This week we...

  • pre-assessed our learning.
  • learned that strong readers read with focus and intensely.
  • reviewed how to tell if a book is too easy or too hard.
Please remember to read 30 minutes nightly!

Upcoming Dates
  • 8/31: Curriculum Night; PTO presentation @ 6:00; 4th grade teachers @ 6:30 in the gym
  • 9/4: No School; Labor Day
  • 9/6: Late Start; 11:05 start

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Monday, August 21, 2017

Eclipse Day Photos

Solar Eclipse Day

Welcome to the 2017 Solar Eclipse!

In this blog post you'll find a variety of resources to help you learn more about the eclipse. Some of the resources will ask you to log in. You'll log in through Clever. Need help? Raise your hand and let me know.

Check out these videos that describe the Solar Eclipse. You may not be able to view these on your student Chromebook, but they will be available to view from a home device.

Watch the Flocabulary rap here -
Watch the PBS Solar Eclipse Animation here -

Read more about the Solar Eclipse here. Use the Solar Eclipse Note Taking Guide to write down at least 10 interesting things you've learned about Eclipses.

Finally, here's a digital escape room. Play this game to try to access the telescope to see the Solar Eclipse. You'll have to click around to unlock clues to move through the game. The clues will help you unlock more. My best time was 15 minutes and 38 seconds, see if you can beat my time!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Weekly Update

What a fun week back!  We have been incredibly productive in our classroom.  We have been working hard to build our community, teamwork skills, and establish routines and procedures.

Class Name
Our class has decided to name ourselves Nagy's Ninjas!  Why?  Well because us ninjas take care of and support one another to reach our personal and class goals.  We are stealthy with our learning, quiet in the hallway, and are committed to being responsible, respectful, safe, and kind to ALL.

Classroom Rules
The Nagy's Ninjas have decided on three simple classroom rules:

  1. We take care of ourselves.
  2. We take care of each other.
  3. We take care of our classroom and school.
Our rules are inspired by the book, The Juice Box Bully.  I highly recommend checking this book out at your local library to read and have conversations with your student at home!

Upcoming Dates
  • 8/21: Solar Eclipse; please let me know if you plan on keeping your child home this day!
  • 8/24: Smile, it's Picture Day!
  • 8/24: Classroom t-shirt designs due
  • 8/31: Curriculum Night
  • 9/4: Labor Day; No School

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Parent Survey

Good evening!  Back to school is in full swing with buying supplies, planning lessons, and getting to know my students.  Thank you for those of you who have completed my Parent Survey!  It is very helpful when it comes to getting to know your child and family.  If you would please consider taking some time to complete our survey, I would greatly appreciate the information!

Link to Survey